Mini CD from '23 that contains only one song over 18 min. by this spanish band of fast, raw and cold Black Metal with inlfuences from nordic bands in the vein of MAYHEM, IMMORTAL, early MARDUK, old SATYRICON...
4th album from '21 by this spanish band of fast, raw and cold Black Metal with inlfuences from nordic bands in the vein of MAYHEM, IMMORTAL, early MARDUK, old SATYRICON... [Digipack]
Mini CD from '20 that contains only one song over 18 min. by this spanish band of fast, raw and cold Black Metal with inlfuences from nordic bands in the vein of MAYHEM, IMMORTAL, early MARDUK, old SATYRICON...
3rd album from '18 by this spanish band of fast, raw and cold Black Metal with inlfuences from nordic bands in the vein of MAYHEM, IMMORTAL, early MARDUK, old SATYRICON...
Cassette re-issue of the 1st album from '84, true milestone of Black Metal!! The whole genre, as we know it today, emerged form this work. Bands like DARKTHRONE, MAYHEM, etc. wouldn't exist without listening to BATHORY!!
Vinyl version with gatefold cover of the 2nd album from '96 of this polish band when they were into a fast, raw and epic Black Metal pretty influenced by nordic bands including keyboards, female vocals and accoustic instruments.
2nd album from '03 of this spanish band of epic and pagan Black Metal with keyboards and clean choruses. Better production that the 1st album. Influences in the vein of EINHERJER, ENSLAVED, DARKTHRONE, THYRFING, HELHEIM...
6th album from '09 by this legendary german band, creators of the Dark Suicidal Black. This album is a re-recording of 98's "S.U.I.Z.I.D." but featuring Niklas Kvarforth from SHINING on vocals singing in english instead of german, who gives a totally different feel to the album.
2nd album from '08 of this german band of slow, depressive and tetric Black/ Doom with Ambient elements and influences in the vein of XASTHUR, BURZUM, DRUDKH, WYRD...
3 CD's of BLACK METAL for the price of one!!
- OUIJA "Ave Voluptatis Carnis"
- ITNUVETH "The Way of the Berserker"
Check out the individual album descriptions for more details.
3 CD's of BLACK METAL for the price of one!!
- WRONG "Pessimistic Outcomes"
- DANTALION "All Roads Lead to Death"
- NEXUS 6 "A Strange Habitat"
Check out the individual album descriptions for more details.