1st album from '12 by this italian band that plays a Speed/ Thrash/ Black totally influenced by HELLHAMMER/ CELTIC FROST. If you're into bands like WARHAMMER, APOKALYPTIC RAIDS, HELLKOMMANDER...
3rd album from '16 by this canadian band of dark and aggressive Death/ Black/ Thrash with influences in the vein of SADISTIC INTENT, ABSU, ANGEL CORPSE, NECROVORE, ORDER FROM CHAOS, NUNSLAUGHTER...
2nd album from '03 by this swedish band that plays a blaspheme Black/ Thrash/ Death with influences from bands like SADISTIK EXEKUTION, DESTROYER 666, SARCOFAGO, BESTIAL WARLUST...
4th album from '07 of this swedish band that plays a blaspheme Black/ Death with influences from bands like SADISTIK EXEKUTION, DESTROYER 666, SARCOFAGO, BESTIAL WARLUST...
5th album from '02 of this swedish band that plays an hybrid between Black, Thrash and Heavy Metal from the NWOBHM. This album has more touches from CELTIC FROST & DESTRUCTION than the previous one.
CD from '18 that contains 18 songs taken from the demos and EP's by this japanese Black/ Thrash band with influences in the vein of SODOM, TOXIC HOLOCAUST, SABBAT, MOTÖRHEAD, ABIGAIL...
2nd album from '19 by this excellent Canadian Thrash Metal band with slight touches of Black/Thrash, with influences from the very first VOIVOD, some VENOM, SODOM, AURA NOIR...
2nd album from '20 by this german band with ex-members of NOCTURNAL & UNDER THAT SPELL, that plays a Black/ Thrash with influences in the vein of DESASTER, AURA NOIR, NIFELHEIM...
1st album from '17 by this german band with ex-members of NOCTURNAL & UNDER THAT SPELL, that plays a Black/ Thrash with influences in the vein of DESASTER, AURA NOIR, NIFELHEIM...
1st album from '21 by this Brazilian Black/Thrash band with influences from groups like the very first SODOM, SARCOFAGO, NIFELHEIM, VENOM, DEATHHAMMER...
CD version of the 1st EP from '11 that came only on vinyl by this italian of dirty Death/ Thrash/ Punk'n'Roll. 8 songs of corrisive stuff for lovers of bands like VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, CELTIC FROST, MIDNIGHT...
4th album from '21 by this italian of dirty Black/ Thrash/ Punk'n'Roll. Corrisive stuff for lovers of bands like VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, CELTIC FROST, MIDNIGHT...
Vinyl version of the 4th album from '21 by this italian of dirty Black/ Thrash/ Punk'n'Roll. Corrisive stuff for lovers of bands like VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, CELTIC FROST, MIDNIGHT...
3rd album from '17 by this italian of dirty Black/ Thrash/ Punk'n'Roll. Corrisive stuff for lovers of bands like VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, CELTIC FROST, MIDNIGHT...